In this post, we will discuss 100+ podcast statistics that you should know in 2024. Podcasts have been around for a long time and are becoming more popular each year. There were over 240 million podcasts streamed per month back in 2018! So what does this mean? Well, as the years go on, more and more people will be listening to podcasts instead of music or T.V. Shows. If you want to discover how many people listen to podcasts, which countries they’re from, and other fun facts about them, keep reading!
Podcasts are a great way to learn about topics you love or discover something new. But how do you know which podcasts are the best? This blog post will cover 100+ podcast statistics to help you find the perfect one for your needs!
Podcast Statistics You Should Know In 2024
Podcasts are the fastest-growing media format in history
There are over 1 million podcasts available to listeners, with more being added every day
In 2022, there will be around 2 billion people on Eart,h and only 400 million who listen to podcasts
Podcast listeners are more engaged than ever
The average podcast listener listens to 5 podcasts per week, with an increase in the number of people listening to 10 or more podcasts per week
40% of American adults have listened to a podcast in the last month
The most popular podcasts are news and comedy-related shows
More than 1/3rd of Americans listen to podcasts while they’re at work
By 2022, podcast listening will grow to over one billion people
Podcasts will be more popular than YouTube and Netflix combined
The average listener listens to six podcasts per week
In 2022, the top five most-downloaded podcasts were Serial, This American Life, WTF with Marc Maron, Radiolab, and Fresh Air
Podcasts will be the new T.V.
The number of podcasts will grow from 700,000 to over 1 million in 2022
There are more than 400,000 active podcast listeners in the United States alone
More than 73% of Americans have listened to a podcast at least once
Podcasts will be the number one connecting mechanism for marketers
Over 50 million Americans will subscribe to a podcast
There will be over 500,000 podcasts created in 2022
Podcasts will surpass 50% of the U.S. population
Most podcasts will be listened to on a smartphone
Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music will offer podcasts as a native feature
85% of people say they would at least try a podcast based on someone they know listening to it
46% of Americans will listen to at least one podcast per month by 2022
It’s interesting to look at the history of podcast statistics and the growth of podcasts
A few years ago, reporters, podcasters, or people interested in long-form journalism were the only people who listened to a podcast.
In 2022, podcast episodes will have a 30 percent conversion rate from download to stream.m
The Ad revenue from podcasting will grow from $34 million to almost $500 million in 5 years
22% of the population is addicted to podcasts
The average American listens to 8 hours of podcasts a week
The intermediate podcast listener ownsfour4 devices and listens to podcasts on 3 of them
40% of the Podcast listenership is female
10 billion podcast downloads
2.4x growth in podcast ad revenue
Podcast ads account for 20% of all audio ads
You will be paying $0.94 per episode to listen
1 million people will be employed in the podcast industry
podcasts will account for 30% of all web traffic
Podcasts will account for over 50% of the market share in the United States – over 58 million listeners.
If you are considering starting a podcast, it would be wise to get in now while the competition is low.
The top 10 podcasts have been downloaded over 400,000 times in a single month
People spend around 20% of their time on mobile devices listening to podcasts
3 out of 4 people listen to podcasts monthly
The average podcast listener has been listening to podcasts for over five years.s
The average podcast listener listens to 6 podcasts per week
Podcast listeners are loyal and will listen to a feed that offers good content consistently over time
Audio streaming is booming
Subscription revenue is booming
There are more than 500 million podcasts downloaded each month
48% of people who subscribe to podcasts say that they play them on a mobile device
Podcast listeners are typically college-educated, have an income of over $75,000, and have a high household.
There are over 700 million podcast listeners globally
The average American listens to five podcasts per week or about 25 hours a month
42% of adults listen to podcasts weekly, and18% attend monthly
The average podcast listener listens to 4-5 podcasts per week
Podcast listeners are more likely to be college-educated and make over $75,000 a year
Over 70% of Americans listen to at least one podcast every month
More than 150 million people in the U.S., or 40% of the population, have listened to a podcast within the past month
By 2022, the number of podcasts will be over 500 million
Podcasts will account for 50% of all time spent listening to audio
The average podcast listener listens to six episodes per week
On average, listeners spend two hours and 15 minutes per day on their favorite podcasts
The rise of podcasting in the last few years has been phenomenal
Podcasts are now a $220 million industry, and they’re projected to grow to $300 million by 2022
people listen to over 100 billion hours of podcasts per month- that’s more than one hour for every person on Earth!
The average listener hears for 28 minutes daily, with the most popular podcasts being true crime stories or comedic interviews.s
As mobile devices get more intelligent, we can expect more people to listen while they commute or work.t
Podcastsweree the most popular form of media in 2022
The average podcast listener listens to 5 podcasts per week, with an average time of 1 hour and 24 minutes each day
One out of every two people has listened to a podcast at least once this year
There are over 2 billion active monthly podcast listeners around the world; that’s about 30% more than there were last year
Podcast listenership has grown by more than50 in the previous two years
Podcasts are now available on Amazon Alexa, Apple HomePod, and Google Home
A new podcast is published every minute of every day
There are over 350 million podcasts downloaded every month
The average listener spends 2 hours per week listening to podcasts
The podcast industry will grow by 20%
Podcasts will be listened to on more than one device at once
53% of podcasts are downloaded or streamed, but only 23% are heard in the car
By 2022, 70% of podcasts will be downloaded or streamed
Podcasts are the fastest-growing media format, with more than 50% of Americans 12+ listening monthly
The average podcast listener listens to six podcasts per month
Podcast listeners spend an average of two hours and 22 minutes listening each week
By 2022, it is estimated that there will be over 7 million podcast episodes available for download or streaming
Podcasts are gaining popularity because they’re an alternative to watching T.V. or listening to the radio
The average podcast listener downloads six podcasts per week, listens for 1 hour and 45 minutes each day, and spends $0 on subscriptions
There are over 700 million people who listen to podcasts monthly
2/3 of all Americans have listened to a podcast at least once in their lives
400 million people will listen to podcasts
15 billion podcast streams will happen in 2022
45% of Americans will have listened to a podcast by 2022
81% of listeners are regular listeners
Sponsorships: Podcasters often make sponsorships one of their initial goals because they know their value.
Nearly 2/3 of podcasts will include a sponsor.r
The average podcast listener will spend 7 hours per week listening to podcasts
The average podcast listener will be between 26-54 years old
A new podcast is added to iTunes every 40 seconds
25% of all podcasts are between 60 and 89 minutes long
There are nearly 500 million subscriptions to podcasts
48% of the population will listen to some podcast content monthly
By then, podcasts will generate more than 1 billion dollars
The podcast audience online is booming
More males are listening to podcasts than females
The majority of podcasts are over 30 minutes
Podcasts can help your business revenue grow
Only 24% of people listen to podcasts
People prefer to watch videos on YouTube
69% of listeners are more interested in video production
Spent on podcast adverts will rise by 72%
Viewers will feel more attached to characters in audio shows than in visual ones.
This article has provided 100+ podcast statistics essential to know in 2022. I hope this information helps your understanding of podcasts’ current state and future growth as a marketing medium.
If you want help starting or growing your podcast, contact us today! We can guide how to ensure it’s heard by the right people at the right time for maximum impact.