How to Run a Successful App Install Ad Campaign?

Digital Advertising
Run a Successful App Install Ad Campaign

We know that mobile app marketing is growing day by day. Indeed, the use of mobile phones also establishes high competition between companies. Most brands seek the most advanced strategies to build a successful app install ad campaign.

However, the Google Play Store holds over 3.8 billion apps, and the Apple App Store has over 2 billion apps. Then, think about the competition in such a billion mobile app stores. Therefore, one should launch the most valuable and well-equipped app to overcome that crowd. Along with that, a mobile marketing app installs an ad campaign necessary.

How effectively did you launch the app campaign where many app installations occur?

Does the app install an ad campaign that shows an impact?

How does App Install Ad Campaigns help gain visibility in app stores?

Everything relating to the app installs ad campaign will be discussed here.

How does the app install ad campaigns work?

Especially for driving the installation of the mobile app, designing app install ad campaigns is necessary. Moreover, these campaigns are available on Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

For example, when it appears on Facebook’s newsfeed or YouTube. As a result, it directs the audience to the app store to install this app.

So, this type of app installs ad campaigns that drive bulk downloads in a shorter period than a regular one.

Also, this activity improves app ranking in the app store. It strengthens the organic traffic.

You can track the clickthroughs when you place your app and install ad campaigns, especially on social media channels.

Moreover, identifiers like AAID in Android and IDFA in iOS devices record that data. This enables the developers and marketers to track the activity of the app install ad campaign they launch.

Hence, they can also use KPIs to measure performance.

Along with the downloads, the most remarkable thing is that the app’s reputation sapp’ss globally.

App install ad campaign best practices

Create ad campaigns that shake the audience:

The creators should always choose trends that make your ad campaign the most out of a billion ads.

Similarly, the brands should test and implement achievement strategies to get the audience’s attention. If one wants their app business to go viral, one must go beyond their common advertising strategy.

Now, the trending concept in the marketing world is augmented reality in the mobile app. Therefore, use such stunning looks to gain a million audience looks at your business that makes the conversion.

Choose the exact audience target:

Finding the audience you need to engage in your app install ad campaign is essential. Along with the demographics, the operating system and type of device are vital points before launching the app and establishing an ad campaign.

Generate cost-effective and creative ad campaigns:

Perhaps we know that the app acquisition costs are hovering day by day. In the same way, this tends to cause small businesses to step back, especially to launch ad campaigns.

To avoid such activity, most massive social media platforms are coming forward by enabling advertisers to establish cost-effective and creative app install ad campaigns similarly.

Filtered Audiences:

Depending on the user’s activity, you must use the user to display your ad campaign.

Incentive-based ad campaigns to make the conversion:

Always try to offer mobile app rewards where you can attract a larger audience that keeps their engagement with your ad campaign.

Create high-quality content:

Images or videos are the most significant and essential things to remember to stand out in a million. Create eye-catching and relevant content that holds the audience’s attention. If your audience is interested in beauty salons, providing beauty tips in the ad campaign is necessary.

Effective communication:

The secure contact with the audience, like what is working and what is not for them, will help brands take advanced steps.

Technical requirements for app install ad campaigns:


Facebook stories, the minimum width of the image dimension is 500 pixels.

The minimum aspect ratio of the image is 90×160, and the maximum is 191×100.

Aspect ration tolerance is 0.01.

Video design requirements:

  • The file size should be a maximum of 4GB.
  • The aspect ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • .MOV or .MP4 is the preferred video format.
  • The minimum of 720p is the resolution.
  • The size of the video thumbnail is 1,200×675 pixels.
  • The video length of Facebook ads is 1 second to 240 minutes.
  • The video length of Instagram ads is a maximum of 60 seconds.
  • Caption text length is a maximum of 2,200 characters or optional.
  • The video audio is optional.

Copy Specifications with link:

The length of the text should be 90 characters.

The headline length is 25 characters, and the link description is 30 characters.

Google Display Network image ad:

Interstitial ads:

Mobile phone image sizes are 300 x 250, 480 x 320, and 320 x 480.

The image size for tablets is 768 x 1024 and 1024 x 768.

Banner ads:

300 x 250, 468 x 60,728 x 90, and 320 x 50 are the image size requirements for both mobile and tablets.

The file format should be GIF, PNG, and JPG.

The maximum file size it supports is 150KB.

Landscape image:

The aspect ratio of the image is 1.91:1.

The minimum image dimensions are 600 x 314.

Suggested supported dimensions:

  • For mobile banners, 320 x 50 is required. The aspect ratio is 6.4:1, and the file format is jpg or png.
  • The inline rectangle supports 300 x 250, the aspect ratio is 6:5, and the file format is png or jpg.
  • The smartphone interstitial supports 320 x 480, the aspect ratio is 2:3, and the file format is jpg or png.
  • The landscape images require 1200 x 628; the aspect ratio is 1.19:1, and the file format is jpg or png.

YouTube True View:

It supports 300 x 60 in PNG, JPG, or GIF format.

A 300 x 250 video wall will show on YouTube without a companion ad.

The file should be 150.

Video requirements:

The minimum video length is 12 seconds.

The maximum size of the video is 3 minutes.

Trending platforms to launch successful app install ad campaigns

We can find some million social media platforms but do not have a million or billion audience engagement. Only a few of them are reaching above brand expectations. The list below comes under that category.

Google Universal App Campaigns:

As part of the Google AdWords platform, Google offers universal app campaigns that enable brands to gain app installs on trending channels like YouTube and Google Play Store. Marketers can use its tools to uplift the app campaign through its text and graphics from its description.

Faceapp & Instaapp’sapp’snstall Ads:

More than 2.2 billion people are using Facebook each month. The billion-user database is more advantageous for attracting businesses to promote their brand to a real-time audience. The Facebook app installs ads that will enable companies to target their audience through demographics, behaviors, and interests.

Facebook’s Instagram is an incredible platform for Facebook’s Facebook app install ad campaigns. Using Facebook Ads Manager to create such ad campaigns would be best.

Snapchat Ads:

Millennials play a vital role in acquiring any brand acquisition. Snapchat is the millennial’s most lovable app. Snapchat is the best option for Millennillemillennial’s ad campaigns for active users.

Twitter App Install Ads:

Twitter has a huge user base through which marketers can reach a million users. Retargeting is the most exciting feature offered by Twitter that allows reaching the audience who previously installed apps or visited certain websites.

Top App Install Ad Campaigns that exist

Starbucks Cup Magic Gamification:

Starbucks is one of the top trending brands that marked its brand reputation through ultimate promotion strategies. The app installs the marketing campaign Cup Magic through gamification, the most discussable ad campaign it made. Testing new tactics, from Q.Q.R.odes to augmented reality, provides unbeatable results.


IKEA used an augmented reality strategy in its marketing campaign. The IKEA app allows users to imagine the 3D versions of IKEA furniture at home. This app leads to substantial user engagement and sales, with over 8.5 million downloads.

Warby Parker – Virtual Try-On:

Warby Parker, an eyewear retailer, has launched a fantastic app that uses face-mapping technology. This technology will recommend eyeglasses that precisely suit their face.

We know that mobile app marketing is growing day by day. Indeed, the use of mobile phones also establishes high competition between companies. Most brands seek the most advanced strategies to build a successful app install ad campaign.

However, the Google Play Store holds over 3.8 billion apps, and the Apple App Store has over 2 billion apps. Then, think about the competition in such a billion mobile app stores. Therefore, one should launch the most valuable and well-equipped app to overcome that crowd. Along with that, a mobile marketing app installs an ad campaign necessary.

How effectively did you launch the app campaign where many app installations occur?

Does the app install an ad campaign that shows an impact?

How does it help to gain visibility in the app stores?

Everything relating to the app installs ad campaign will be discussed here.

How does the app install ad campaigns work?

Especially for driving the installations of the mobile app, designing app install ad campaigns is necessary — moreover, these campaigns are available on Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

For example, when it appears on Facebook’s newsfeed or YouTube, As a . Aslt, it directs the audience to the app store to install this app.

So, this type of app installs ad campaigns that drive bulk downloads in a shorter period than a regular one.

Also, this activity leads to improving app ranking in the app store. It strengthens the organic traffic.

You can track the clickthroughs when you place your app and install ad campaigns, especially on social media channels.

Moreover, identifiers like AAID in Android and IDFA in iOS devices record that data. This enables the developers and marketers to track the ad campaign activity they launch.

Hence, they can also use KPIs to measure performance.

Along with the downloads, the most remarkable thing is that the app’s reputation spreads globally.

App install ad campaign best practices

Create ad campaigns that shake the audience:

The creators should always choose to make their ad campaign the most out of a billion ads.

Similarly, the brands should test and implement achievement strategies to get the audience’s attention at a glance.

When one wants their app business to go viral, one must go to beyonaudaauaudience’s advertising strategy.

Now, the trending concept in the marketing world is augmented reality in the mobile app. Therefore, use such stunning looks to gain a million audience looks at your business that makes the conversion.

Choose the exact audience target:

Finding the audience you need to engage in your app install ad campaign is essential. Along with the demographics, the operating system and type of device are vital points before launching the ad campaign.

Generate cost-effective and creative ad campaigns:

Perhaps we know that the app acquisition costs are hovering day by day. In the same way, this tends to cause small businesses to step back, especially to launch ad campaigns.

To avoid such activity, most massive social media platforms are coming forward by enabling advertisers to establish cost-effective and creative ad campaigns similarly.

Filtered Audiences:

Depending on the user’s activity, you must filter the audience to display your ad campaign.

Incentive-based ad campaigns to users:

Always try to offer mobile app rewards where you can attract a larger audience that keeps their engagement with your ad campaign.

Create high-quality content:

Images or videos are the most significant and essential things to remember to stand out in a million. Create eye-catching and relevant content that holds the audience’s attention. If your app installs ad campaigns about beauty salons, it is necessary to provide beaaudience’saauaudience’saign.

Effective communication:

The secure contact with the audience, like what is working and what is not for them, will help brands take advanced steps.

Technical requirements for app install ad campaigns:


Facebook stories, the minimum width of the image dimension is 500 pixels.

The minimum aspect ratio of the image is 90×160, and the maximum is 191×100.

Aspect ration tolerance is 0.01.

Video design requirements:

  • The file size should be a maximum of 4GB.
  • The aspect ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • .MOV or .MP4 is the preferred video format.
  • The minimum of 720p is the resolution.
  • The size of the video thumbnail is 1,200×675 pixels.
  • The video length of Facebook ads is 1 second to 240 minutes.
  • The video length of Instagram ads is a maximum of 60 seconds.
  • Caption text length is a maximum of 2,200 characters or optional.
  • The video audio is optional.

Copy Specifications with link:

The length of the text should be 90 characters.

The headline length is 25 characters, and the link description is 30 characters.

Google Display Network image ad:

Interstitial ads:

Mobile phone image sizes are 300 x 250, 480 x 320, and 320 x 480.

The image size for tablets is 768 x 1024 and 1024 x 768.


Banner ads:

300 x 250, 468 x 60,728 x 90, and 320 x 50 are the image size requirements for both mobile and tablets.

The file format should be GIF, PNG, and JPG.

The maximum file size it supports is 150KB.

Landscape image:

The aspect ratio of the image is 1.91:1.

The minimum image dimensions are 600 x 314.

Suggested supported dimensions:

  • For the mobile banner, 320 x 50 is required. The aspect ratio is 6.4:1, and the file format is jpg or png.
  • The inline rectangle supports 300 x 250, the aspect ratio is 6:5, and the file format is png or jpg.
  • The smartphone interstitial supports 320 x 480, the aspect ratio is 2:3, and the file format is jpg or png.
  • The landscape images require 1200 x 628; the aspect ratio is 1.19:1, and the file format is jpg or png.

YouTube True View:

It supports 300 x 60 in PNG, JPG, or GIF format.

A 300 x 250 video wall will show on YouTube without a companion ad.

The file should be 150.

Video requirements:

The minimum video length is 12 seconds.

The maximum size of the video is 3 minutes.

Trending platforms to launch successful app install ad campaigns

We can find some million social media platforms but do not have a million or billion audience engagement. Only a few of them are reaching above brand expectations. The list below comes under that category.

Google Universal App Campaigns:

As part of the Google AdWords platform, Google offers universal app campaigns that enable brands to gain app installs on trending channels like YouTube and Google Play Store. Marketers can use its tools to uplift the app campaign through its text and graphics from its description.

Facebook & Instagram App Install Ads:

Above 2.2 billion people are using Facebook each app. The baapapp’sser database is more advantageous for attracting businesses to promote their brand to a real-time audience. The Facebook app install ads will enable the companies to target their audience through demographics, behaviors, and interests.

Facebook’s Instagram is an incredible platform for brands to establish powerful app install ad campaigns. Using Facebook Ads Manager Facebook would be best.

Snapchat Ads:

Millennials play a vital role in acquiring any brand acquisition. Snapchat is the millennial’s most lovable app. If you want to vibrate your app and install ad campaigns for active users, then Snapchat is the best optimillennial’smmimillennial:

Twitter has a huge user base through which marketers can reach a million users. Retargeting is the most exciting feature offered by Twitter that allows reaching the audience who previously installed apps or visited certain websites.

Top App Install Ad Campaigns that exist

Starbucks Cup Magic Gamification:

Starbucks is one of the top trending brands that marked its brand reputation through ultimate promotion strategies. The app installs the marketing campaign Cup Magic through gamification, the most discussable ad campaign it made. Testing new tactics from Q.Q.R.ode to augmented reality provides unbeatable results.


IKEA used an augmented reality strategy in its marketing campaign. The IKEA app allows users to imagine the 3D versions of IKEA furniture at home. This app leads to substantial user engagement and sales, with over 8.5 million downloads.

Warby Parker – Virtual Try-On:

Warby Parker, an eyewear retailer, has launched a fantastic app that uses face-mapping technology. This technology will recommend eyeglasses that precisely suit their face.

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Top 141 App Install Ad Campaign Tools

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